The recent health and lifestyle survey provides estimates of Jamaica’s health status across leading public health issues. Namely:
- Communicable Diseases – Zika Virus and Chikungunya
- Non-Communicable Diseases – Hypertension, Diabetes, Anemia, Overweight and Obesity, Mental Health
- Lifestyle – Dietary Practices, Physical Activity, Skin Bleaching, Violence and Injuries, Substance Abuse
- Sexual and Reproductive Health – Sexual Practices, Male Urinary Health, Women’s Health.
This is the third time in Jamaica’s history that this survey has been conducted. There’s a lot of information in the latest report. So here are just 5 findings to get you started.
- 8 out of 10 Jamaicans had a positive serum (blood) test for Chikungunya
- The prevalence of hypertension in rising
- 1 out of 2 of Jamaica were classified as overweight (pre-obese or obese)
- The highest prevalence of depression was seen in Jamaicans 75 years and older
- More than 70% of the population had insufficient resources or access to safe, adequate or nutritious foods
Keep reading the Preliminary Key Findings below:
For a deeper look at the overweight data, see The Chubby Awards by Dr. Alfred Dawes
Source: Ministry of Health