Your news in a nutshell
- Venezuela earthquake a warning to Ja
- More than 200 jobs cut after sugar ops shutdown
- PEP easy to understand -Reid
- Bullas to be removed from schools
- Murders down by 18%
- Kids’ play pays off
1. Venezuela earthquake a warning to Ja
“The earthquake is another reminder of the need for Caribbean states to develop resilience in order to cope with all credible extreme events, including seismic and climatic extremes. Early reports from (the islands) indicate that strong to moderate shaking occurred, and that many members of the public, as well as institutions, such as radio stations, were caught unprepared by the strength and duration of the shaking,” said disaster risk management expert Franklyn McDonald. See full story on The Gleaner’s website.
2. More than 200 jobs cut after sugar ops shutdown
Some 226 workers lost their jobs as a result of yesterday’s closure of J. Wray & Nephew Limited’s operations at its Holland Estate and Casa Marantha in St Elizabeth, a decision the company said was a result of ongoing economic losses caused by the combined effect of escalating operational costs and the declining cost of sugar. See full story on The Gleaner’s website.

3. PEP easy to understand -Reid
IN A radical departure from the position taken earlier this week by the leadership of the Jamaica Teachers’ Association (JTA), Minister of Education Ruel Reid says the Primary Exit Profile (PEP) examination is easy to understand and apply and that his ministry is committed to guiding educators in its implementation. See full story on The Gleaner’s website.
4. Bullas to be removed from schools
Several food items, including the popular bulla cake, will be affected by the collaborative effort of the ministries of education and health to remove products high in sugar content from local schools as part of a campaign to promote healthier eating among students. See full story on The Gleaner’s website.
5. Murders down by 18%
The national murder rate is down 18 per cent when compared to the corresponding period of January 1 to August 18 last year, according to information from the latest Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) Periodic Crime Statistics Review. See full story on The Gleaner’s website.
6. Kids’ play pays off
Just a simple thing as playing with your child a few hours a day could result in him/her having a higher IQ, better mental health, high self esteem, greater academic output and even a better salary as an adult. See full story on The Gleaner’s website.